With over 20 years of focus-driven entrepreneurship in IT, Solomon Amar can help your business strive and grow by offering his expertise in these areas:
In the long run, I believe the companies with the most flexible approach will stand victorious in the workplace arena.
Skilled software developers and other IT specialists can be hard to come by locally, so some U.S. companies might be looking for talents abroad. These options have their upsides and downsides to consider, however.
The development of a sustainable business in a foreign country starts with a carefully crafted plan.
Negotiation is a skill that you develop over time, a skill you can gradually refine into becoming an art.
A massive change in work dynamics has created its own set of problems from a management point of view.
The Israeli high-tech locomotive has ideasFrom the blog of Solomon Amar at The Times of Israel
In the long run, I believe the companies with the most flexible approach will stand victorious in the workplace arena.
Skilled software developers and other IT specialists can be hard to come by locally, so some U.S. companies might be looking for talents abroad. These options have their upsides and downsides to consider, however.
The development of a sustainable business in a foreign country starts with a carefully crafted plan.
Negotiation is a skill that you develop over time, a skill you can gradually refine into becoming an art.