
How to Prepare for a Technical Interview?

Main Stages of a Technical Interview: Understanding the Interview Process

My name is Serhiy, and I work as a tech leader on a project related to cybersecurity. I have been working in IT for 9 years, so I probably have some insights to share about how technical interviews are conducted – both from the candidate's and the interviewer's perspectives.

The conversation can take place in a "healthy" form or not so much. We will focus on the following aspects: stages of the interview, preparation, tips/recommendations.

A technical interview typically adheres to a somewhat "standard" structure, especially when conducted in a "healthy" manner:

  1. Introduction and Small Talk: The interview typically kicks off with a quick introduction and some casual small talk to break the ice.
  1. Candidate's Turn: Next, it's the candidate's turn to take the spotlight. They usually start by sharing their experience on previous projects, discussing what they worked on, the technologies they utilized, and how their teams were structured.
  1. Q&A Session: The heart of the interview lies in the Q&A session. Here, the interviewer poses technical questions, and the candidate responds, showcasing their knowledge and expertise.
  1. Candidate's Questions: Finally, the candidate is given the opportunity to ask questions. These inquiries can arise organically during the conversation or be prepared in advance.

Typically, the entire conversation spans about an hour, although occasionally it may extend beyond this timeframe (which often indicates a positive sign – an increased interest in your candidacy).

To succeed in the interview, thorough preparation is paramount. It's crucial to understand the distinction between the "healthy" and "unhealthy" interview formats I mentioned earlier. What exactly do I mean by this?

“Healthy Format”: Striving to align with a project that genuinely fits your skills and interests.

“Unhealthy Format”: Attempting to merely "get through" the interview process at any cost.

Passing technical interviews requires a distinct skill set that doesn't always correlate with technical prowess alone. Many individuals possess exceptional technical knowledge and extensive experience but struggle to excel in interviews. This often boils down to soft skills – such as communication, storytelling, explanation, and active listening.

In my experience conducting approximately 15 technical interviews over the past two months, I've encountered this issue. While the primary focus of the job is software development, the human element and effective team communication are equally important.

It's not uncommon for individuals to undergo extensive training to ace interviews without truly grasping the subject matter. There are numerous courses and programs dedicated to coaching candidates on interview strategies and responses to common questions, rather than fostering genuine understanding and expertise.

What are the consequences of this approach? When an interviewer lacks sufficient experience, such candidates may be hired, only for their incompetence to surface later, resulting in termination. Ultimately, this wastes both time and resources for the project, and the individual's professional reputation suffers.

In some cases, it's apparent within the initial moments of the interview that the candidate lacks both technical proficiency and interview skills. In such instances, I respectfully conclude the interview.

An Interview with Serhiy Porytskyi, Test Automation Tech Lead at ALLSTARSIT

A technical interview is a crucial stage in the recruitment process, serving as a "snapshot" of a candidate's hard skills to determine if their knowledge meets the technical requirements.

How can you prepare for this stage? What are its main components? What should you consider during preparation? Serhiy Porytskyi, Test Automation Tech Lead at ALLSTARSIT, answers these and other questions.

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Tips for Preparing for a Technical Interview

When it comes to advising candidates preparing for a technical interview, what key points can I offer?

First and foremost – unsurprisingly – having expertise in the field you're interviewing for is crucial.

Moreover, taking the time to carefully craft your resume is advisable. There are numerous recommendations and tips available on this subject. From my perspective, I value specific details: the nature of the projects, the tasks you undertook, and the technologies you utilized (avoiding vague terms like "improved processes"). In essence, prioritizing substance over fluff.

Additionally, it's important to note that including skills or experiences in your resume that you haven't actually worked with is ill-advised. It's likely to be discovered during the interview process, and commencing a conversation with deception is never wise.

During the "tell me about yourself" segment, it's essential to avoid simply reciting your resume. Your interviewer is already acquainted with it, and such repetition can immediately reduce their interest and engagement. Instead, opt for a more relaxed and conversational approach to recounting your past experiences.

Finally, never read pre-written text from a screen during an interview. It's usually obvious, even if you think it's not. This often happens because of worries about English skills, but speaking naturally, even if it's not perfect, is much better.

How to Prepare for a Technical Interview?

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How to Prepare for a Technical Interview?

An Interview with Serhiy Porytskyi, Test Automation Tech Lead at ALLSTARSIT

A technical interview is a crucial stage in the recruitment process, serving as a "snapshot" of a candidate's hard skills to determine if their knowledge meets the technical requirements.

How can you prepare for this stage? What are its main components? What should you consider during preparation? Serhiy Porytskyi, Test Automation Tech Lead at ALLSTARSIT, answers these and other questions.

Main Stages of a Technical Interview: Understanding the Interview Process

My name is Serhiy, and I work as a tech leader on a project related to cybersecurity. I have been working in IT for 9 years, so I probably have some insights to share about how technical interviews are conducted – both from the candidate's and the interviewer's perspectives.

The conversation can take place in a "healthy" form or not so much. We will focus on the following aspects: stages of the interview, preparation, tips/recommendations.

A technical interview typically adheres to a somewhat "standard" structure, especially when conducted in a "healthy" manner:

  1. Introduction and Small Talk: The interview typically kicks off with a quick introduction and some casual small talk to break the ice.
  1. Candidate's Turn: Next, it's the candidate's turn to take the spotlight. They usually start by sharing their experience on previous projects, discussing what they worked on, the technologies they utilized, and how their teams were structured.
  1. Q&A Session: The heart of the interview lies in the Q&A session. Here, the interviewer poses technical questions, and the candidate responds, showcasing their knowledge and expertise.
  1. Candidate's Questions: Finally, the candidate is given the opportunity to ask questions. These inquiries can arise organically during the conversation or be prepared in advance.

Typically, the entire conversation spans about an hour, although occasionally it may extend beyond this timeframe (which often indicates a positive sign – an increased interest in your candidacy).

To succeed in the interview, thorough preparation is paramount. It's crucial to understand the distinction between the "healthy" and "unhealthy" interview formats I mentioned earlier. What exactly do I mean by this?

“Healthy Format”: Striving to align with a project that genuinely fits your skills and interests.

“Unhealthy Format”: Attempting to merely "get through" the interview process at any cost.

Passing technical interviews requires a distinct skill set that doesn't always correlate with technical prowess alone. Many individuals possess exceptional technical knowledge and extensive experience but struggle to excel in interviews. This often boils down to soft skills – such as communication, storytelling, explanation, and active listening.

In my experience conducting approximately 15 technical interviews over the past two months, I've encountered this issue. While the primary focus of the job is software development, the human element and effective team communication are equally important.

It's not uncommon for individuals to undergo extensive training to ace interviews without truly grasping the subject matter. There are numerous courses and programs dedicated to coaching candidates on interview strategies and responses to common questions, rather than fostering genuine understanding and expertise.

What are the consequences of this approach? When an interviewer lacks sufficient experience, such candidates may be hired, only for their incompetence to surface later, resulting in termination. Ultimately, this wastes both time and resources for the project, and the individual's professional reputation suffers.

In some cases, it's apparent within the initial moments of the interview that the candidate lacks both technical proficiency and interview skills. In such instances, I respectfully conclude the interview.

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Tips for Preparing for a Technical Interview

When it comes to advising candidates preparing for a technical interview, what key points can I offer?

First and foremost – unsurprisingly – having expertise in the field you're interviewing for is crucial.

Moreover, taking the time to carefully craft your resume is advisable. There are numerous recommendations and tips available on this subject. From my perspective, I value specific details: the nature of the projects, the tasks you undertook, and the technologies you utilized (avoiding vague terms like "improved processes"). In essence, prioritizing substance over fluff.

Additionally, it's important to note that including skills or experiences in your resume that you haven't actually worked with is ill-advised. It's likely to be discovered during the interview process, and commencing a conversation with deception is never wise.

During the "tell me about yourself" segment, it's essential to avoid simply reciting your resume. Your interviewer is already acquainted with it, and such repetition can immediately reduce their interest and engagement. Instead, opt for a more relaxed and conversational approach to recounting your past experiences.

Finally, never read pre-written text from a screen during an interview. It's usually obvious, even if you think it's not. This often happens because of worries about English skills, but speaking naturally, even if it's not perfect, is much better.

The Interviewer's Questions

Another issue arises when not every senior technical specialist, such as a lead developer, excels as an interviewer. From personal experience as a candidate, interviews often felt more like interrogations: rapid-fire questions and an overwhelming sense of pressure, almost as if under a spotlight.

Occasionally, interviewers attempt to intentionally stump candidates with questions they likely won't be able to answer, perhaps to bolster their own ego with an "I know this, and you don't" attitude.

Ideally, in a "healthy" scenario, interviewers aim to pose relevant questions to evaluate the candidate's proficiency in essential areas. If the candidate demonstrates sufficient knowledge, that's a win.

It's important to remember that interviews can be stressful, no matter how much you prepare. The interviewer should help reduce stress, not increase it.

In my own interviews, I prioritize creating a relaxed atmosphere, which has proven to be quite effective.

Is it worth browsing the internet for "Java interview questions"? Only if done in moderation. Here's why.

I can elaborate on how things should ideally go in an interview, but the reality is often different. Sometimes, interviews turn into a mindless exchange where the lazy interviewer googled questions, and the candidate googled answers. They end up spending an hour reciting the same article content to each other. This might be an exaggeration, but the gist is accurate.

To prevent this, interviewers should focus on asking relevant questions. By "relevant," I mean questions about technologies directly used in the project.

These questions can be prepared in advance or arise organically during the conversation, based on the candidate's experience. For example, if the candidate mentioned working with a certain technology that is also used in the project, it makes sense to delve into it in more detail.

As for candidates and general questions from Google – reading these for general knowledge and reassurance is fine, but spending too much time on them is not worth it.

Overall, for this stage, the following recommendations are helpful:

  • Base your answers on practical experience if you have worked with the topic being discussed.
  • Explain the theory in your own words. This comes across more naturally than quoting a "textbook" answer.
  • If you don't know the answer, don't invent or guess. It's normal not to know something. Simply state that you haven't encountered it. Most importantly, don't view this as a "failure" – the interviewer's task is to determine the "boundaries" of your knowledge.

How to Acquire Interview Skills? 

You won't believe it, but you need to... go through interviews!
(One of the suggested points for this article was "What books/podcasts/blogs would you recommend for preparation?" However, I don't believe you can learn to play the piano by reading a book about it.)

Ask a programmer friend to practice with you and go to interviews for similar positions. This doesn't mean your "main" interview will ask the same questions, but the goal is to feel more comfortable and confident.

Some might say it's unethical to waste someone's time without intending to work there. It's good that you care, but sometimes the end justifies the means. Besides, you might discover during this "practice" interview that you like the place more (this happened to me, by the way). If not, all participants still gain valuable experience.

The Candidate's Questions

The last but not least important stage is the candidate's questions. Perhaps the worst thing you can say here is, "I have no questions."

Don't underestimate this part – your questions might be as valuable as your answers. Remember, it's not just the company choosing you; you are also choosing the company. Ask about what truly matters to you.

Your questions will show the interviewer that you care about the interview and the position itself, not just as "one of several similar ones." Additionally, asking really good questions can enhance the overall impression you leave.

Final Tips

Here are a few more tips that might not be obvious but will definitely work in your favor.

Ensure good sound and image quality. Avoid sitting with a window behind you. Invest some time and money in a quality microphone or headset with a mic, a good webcam (you can even use your phone for better image quality), and, most importantly, good lighting (a ring light or something similar). It's worth the effort. Plus, the microphone will be useful beyond just interviews.

You might ask, "Am I supposed to be a blogger now?" No, but you're being interviewed by real people (for now) with their own perceptions and biases. Believe me, a good picture will be perceived more favorably.

Also, pay attention to your background. Ensure the room looks tidy without going overboard. Scattered items on an unmade bed don't enhance your image.

Here's a personal experience: three years ago, I decided to change jobs and went through several interviews. It was winter, and I deliberately placed a snowboard against the wall to attract attention. Every interviewer asked about it, leading to small talk about hobbies, interests, trips, and so on. This generally contributed to a more relaxed conversation.

Reflection is important. Record videos of your interviews – just for yourself (it's highly recommended to inform your interviewer about this). After watching the recordings, you'll see everything for yourself.

And lastly, be yourself (in interviews and beyond). Don't try to pretend to be someone else. Fakeness benefits no one.

Good luck!

How to Prepare for a Technical Interview?

An Interview with Serhiy Porytskyi, Test Automation Tech Lead at ALLSTARSIT

A technical interview is a crucial stage in the recruitment process, serving as a "snapshot" of a candidate's hard skills to determine if their knowledge meets the technical requirements.

How can you prepare for this stage? What are its main components? What should you consider during preparation? Serhiy Porytskyi, Test Automation Tech Lead at ALLSTARSIT, answers these and other questions.